Your Lieblingsraum, your favorite room


Lieblingsraum is a German word and translates into favorite room – this is what I would like to help my clients find – a room that is a home, feels safe and comfortable, and is part of their story.

We’ve moved so many times and have lived in four different countries, that I believe that everyone needs a home, a safe place to come back to and re-group.

German for fa.vor.ite room

(1) noun - person or thing liked more than others
(2) adj - best liked

1. (a) part of building closed by walls or partitions, & with a floor & ceiling
    (b) rooms [pl] set of these for living in
2.  space that is or could be occupied, or is enough for a purpose
3.  opportunity; scope

Lieb.lings.raum, der

fa.vor.ite (GB fa.vour.ite)


the definition


I believe that everyone deserves their favorite space

– their Lieblingsraum

I enjoy creating these spaces that are interesting, comfortable and reflect the people that inhabit them.

In listening to you and communicating with you I can create a space that captures your personality and story.

thoughts from your designer

Be adventurous, courageous, and open-minded – learn about the things you don’t like, this will lead you to know what you love